Monday, February 11, 2008

And Another Story Too

The entry about the castle is below but I just finished revising this other "story" that is based on a memory from when I was very young and is also written in the first person as a child. No need to read if you don't want and the real entry is below but if you care to its here.

So I finally got to go to the state fair and I’m really excited and I’m looking at this yellow and red striped tent and its really big. Really, really, real big and I want to just go see it ‘cause dad is always saying stay close and I say there’s nothing cool close. Everything cool is far, there’s always big red and yellow striped tents and stuffed animals and trucks that can change into robots that shoot missiles out of their arms and I always have to stay close and they stay far away and that’s how it is.

So I’m not trying to be bad, ‘cause I’m really good, really, really, real good and everyone always says, “you are just like a little grown up” and I make my face look like a grown up; I turn my head a little and pretend like I got something sour in my mouth so my face puckers up all serious like and they look and smile and their teeth are bigger than mine and fill their mouths and I use my tongue to feel the gaps where there are no teeth and its soft and it hurts when I press hard but I press anyway because I don’t know why and then I remember I’m being a little grown up and I squinch up my face again and press with my tongue when they aren’t looking.

So this tent has a high counter and I can’t see over it but I want to so I walk backwards and then I see over the counter and there are balloons and a man and people throwing pointed nerf missiles and the balloons pop. Pop!! And it makes me jump a little and I look around to make sure no one saw ‘cause Matthew makes fun of me and calls me a girl when I get scared and dad says don’t say that but he does when dad’s not there ‘cause he’s a jerk and I call him a fart face when Michael and I are playing ninjas and Matthew’s not allowed too play with us but one time Matthew hit me so hard I started to cry and he saw me and I tried to pretend I wasn’t crying but he saw and said I didn’t mean to he started to cry and I didn’t know why he was but I would have given him my plastic Siberian Tiger to keep forever if he would just stop and I hugged him and he hugged back and we didn’t know why but we kept on crying.

So I kept moving back and watched the balloons pop and they were red and green and yellow and a color that looked like my moms car she used to drive before she moved away to Colony Lake and got a new car. And I look around to tell Matthew ‘cause he really likes balloons and wants to be a clown and can do magic and everything, except he’s not there and neither is dad or Isaac or anyone and I don’t know where they are ‘cause everyone is walking really fast and I can’t see their faces ‘cause they’re all bigger than me and they look like this one movie I saw when I wasn’t supposed to be watching tv and no one had faces and I went to bed and had nightmares and it was like that and I am real scared like really, really, really, really, real scared and I start feeling that feeling before you cry when your throat gets really hard and you can’t breath right and I cry and try not to talk to anyone ‘cause I’m not supposed to talk to strangers especially if they have candy, but people keep asking where’s my parents and I don’t know where my dad is and my mom is in Colony Lakes and I just can’t stop crying and then my dad says “David” and he’s running toward me so fast but I know its him because his hair is the color of metal and his voice is only his and he picks me up and I hug him and I would hug Matthew and Isaac too, but Dad won’t let me go and I don’t care I just keep holding him and I’m still crying and he’s crying too and I didn’t know why he’s crying ‘cause I’m not lost anymore but it doesn’t matter and we cry there and I hold him and he smells like cotton and trees and I’m more happy than I’ve ever been just to hug him and cry without knowing why.

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